Ship, nation, owners Voyage identification number 7691
Voyage in 1999 CD-ROM Yes
Vessel name Restaurador
Flag Portugal
Flag IMP Portugal / Brazil
Place constructed
Year constructed
Place registered
Year registered
Rig Galera
Standardized tonnage IMP
Guns mounted
Vessel owners
Voyage Outcome Particular outcome of voyage Shipwrecked or destroyed, after embarkation of slaves or during slaving
Outcome of voyage for slaves IMP Slaves perished with ship
Outcome of voyage if ship captured IMP Natural hazard
Outcome of voyage for owner IMP Original goal thwarted (natural hazard)
African resistance
Voyage Itinerary Place where voyage began IMP Rio de Janeiro
First place of slave purchase Mozambique
Second place of slave purchase
Third place of slave purchase
Principal place of slave purchase IMP Mozambique
Places of call before Atlantic crossing
First place of slave landing Cape of Good Hope
Second place of slave landing
Third place of slave landing
Principal place of slave landing IMP Cape of Good Hope
Place where voyage ended
Region where voyage began IMP Southeast Brazil
First region of slave purchase East Africa and Indian Ocean islands
Second region of slave purchase
Third region of slave purchase
Principal region of slave purchase IMP East Africa and Indian Ocean islands
First region of slave landing East Africa and Indian Ocean islands
Second region of slave landing
Third region of slave landing
Principal region of slave landing IMP East Africa and Indian Ocean islands
Region where voyage ended
Voyage Dates Year arrived with slaves IMP 1812
Date voyage began 1811-02-28
Date trade began in Africa
Date vessel departed Africa
Date vessel arrived with slaves 1812-01-19
Date vessel departed for homeport
Date voyage completed
Voyage length, homeport to slaves landing (days) IMP 325
Middle passage (days) IMP
Captain and Crew Captain's name Dias, Manoel José
Gomes, Domingos Antônio
Crew at voyage outset
Crew at first landing of slaves
Crew deaths during voyage
Slave (numbers) Number of slaves intended at first place of purchase
Slaves carried from first port of purchase
Slaves carried from second port of purchase
Slaves carried from third port of purchase
Total slaves embarked
Total slaves embarked IMP 506
Number of slaves arriving at first place of landing 451
Number of slaves disembarked at first place of landing
Number of slaves disembarked at second place of landing
Number of slaves disembarked at third place of landing
Total slaves disembarked IMP 451
Slave (characteristics) Percentage men IMP
Percentage women IMP
Percentage boys IMP
Percentage girls IMP
Percentage male IMP
Percentage children IMP
Sterling cash price in Jamaica IMP
Slave deaths during middle passage IMP
Mortality rate IMP
Source Sources AfricanInstit, Seventh, 38: African Institution, Seventh Report of the Directors of the African Institution (London, 1813).
Reidy,appendix: Reidy, Michael Charles, “Admission of Slaves and Prize Slaves into the Cape Colony, 1797-1818,” MA dissertation (University of Cape Town, 1997)
GRJ,27/02/1811: Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro

Capela, José, Archival notes on the slave trade from Mozambique.

AHU,Moçambique,Cx 138 No 73:

Arquivo Historico Ultramarino (Lisbon), SEMU-DGU,