Ship, nation, owners Voyage identification number 75390
Voyage in 1999 CD-ROM Yes
Vessel name Elizabeth
Flag Great Britain
Flag IMP Great Britain
Place constructed
Year constructed
Place registered
Year registered
Rig Snauw
Tonnage 50
Standardized tonnage IMP 92
Guns mounted
Vessel owners Morice, Humphry
Voyage Outcome Particular outcome of voyage Sold slaves in Americas - subsequent fate unknown
Outcome of voyage for slaves IMP Slaves disembarked in Americas
Outcome of voyage if ship captured IMP Not captured
Outcome of voyage for owner IMP Delivered slaves for original owners
African resistance
Voyage Itinerary Place where voyage began IMP London
First place of slave purchase Gold Coast, port unspecified
Second place of slave purchase Bight of Benin, place unspecified
Third place of slave purchase
Principal place of slave purchase IMP Bight of Benin, place unspecified
Places of call before Atlantic crossing
First place of slave landing Londontowne
Second place of slave landing
Third place of slave landing
Principal place of slave landing IMP Londontowne
Place where voyage ended
Region where voyage began IMP England and Wales
First region of slave purchase Gold Coast
Second region of slave purchase Bight of Benin
Third region of slave purchase
Principal region of slave purchase IMP Bight of Benin
First region of slave landing Maryland
Second region of slave landing
Third region of slave landing
Principal region of slave landing IMP Maryland
Region where voyage ended
Voyage Dates Year arrived with slaves IMP 1719
Date voyage began 1718-10-09
Date trade began in Africa
Date vessel departed Africa
Date vessel arrived with slaves 1719-01-??
Date vessel departed for homeport
Date voyage completed
Voyage length, homeport to slaves landing (days) IMP
Middle passage (days) IMP
Captain and Crew Captain's name Roberts, Peter
Bull, Stephen
Crew at voyage outset 20
Crew at first landing of slaves 20
Crew deaths during voyage
Slave (numbers) Number of slaves intended at first place of purchase 200
Slaves carried from first port of purchase
Slaves carried from second port of purchase
Slaves carried from third port of purchase
Total slaves embarked 190
Total slaves embarked IMP 190
Number of slaves arriving at first place of landing 160
Number of slaves disembarked at first place of landing
Number of slaves disembarked at second place of landing
Number of slaves disembarked at third place of landing
Total slaves disembarked IMP 160
Slave (characteristics) Percentage men IMP
Percentage women IMP
Percentage boys IMP
Percentage girls IMP
Percentage male IMP
Percentage children IMP
Sterling cash price in Jamaica IMP
Slave deaths during middle passage IMP 30
Mortality rate IMP 15.8%
Source Sources Mitchell, appendix:

Mitchell, Prince of Slavers (London, 2020)

Morice,2,Phipps,1719.10.19: Morice, Humphry, Slave Trade Journals and Papers (microform). Part 1: the Humphry Morice Papers, 4 reels (Marlborough, 2000).
MSA, Anne Arundel, Liber CW 1, CE 76-10, p. 41, July 16, 171:

Maryland State Archives (Annapolis, Maryland), Anne Arundel County Land Records


Bank of England (London)

PM,02.10.1718: Post Man

Colonial Office, National Archives (UK)

Walsh Maryland Database: Walsh, Lorena, Database of slave trading voyages to Maryland
Morice,2,Morice(toBull),1718.10.31: Morice, Humphry, Slave Trade Journals and Papers (microform). Part 1: the Humphry Morice Papers, 4 reels (Marlborough, 2000).

Treasury, National Archives (Kew) Royal African Company Accounts

PM,11.10.1718: Post Man