Ship, nation, owners | Voyage identification number | 75307 |
Voyage in 1999 CD-ROM | Yes | |
Vessel name | Crown Gally | |
Flag | Great Britain | |
Flag IMP | Great Britain | |
Place constructed | New York | |
Year constructed | 1716 | |
Place registered | London | |
Year registered | 1719 | |
Rig | Ship | |
Tonnage | 150 | |
Standardized tonnage IMP | 272 | |
Guns mounted | ||
Vessel owners | Walton, William Simson, Nathaniel Janeway, Richard Levy, Isaac |
Voyage Outcome | Particular outcome of voyage | Voyage completed as intended |
Outcome of voyage for slaves IMP | Slaves disembarked in Americas | |
Outcome of voyage if ship captured IMP | Not captured | |
Outcome of voyage for owner IMP | Delivered slaves for original owners | |
African resistance | ||
Voyage Itinerary | Place where voyage began IMP | London |
First place of slave purchase | Madagascar | |
Second place of slave purchase | ||
Third place of slave purchase | ||
Principal place of slave purchase IMP | Madagascar | |
Places of call before Atlantic crossing | ||
First place of slave landing | Bahia, place unspecified | |
Second place of slave landing | New York | |
Third place of slave landing | ||
Principal place of slave landing IMP | New York | |
Place where voyage ended | ||
Region where voyage began IMP | England and Wales | |
First region of slave purchase | East Africa and Indian Ocean islands | |
Second region of slave purchase | ||
Third region of slave purchase | ||
Principal region of slave purchase IMP | East Africa and Indian Ocean islands | |
First region of slave landing | Bahia | |
Second region of slave landing | ||
Third region of slave landing | ||
Principal region of slave landing IMP | New York | |
Region where voyage ended | ||
Voyage Dates | Year arrived with slaves IMP | 1721 |
Date voyage began | 1720-02-24 | |
Date trade began in Africa | 1720-08-04 | |
Date vessel departed Africa | 1720-11-19 | |
Date vessel arrived with slaves | 1721-02-12 | |
Date vessel departed for homeport | ||
Date voyage completed | ||
Voyage length, homeport to slaves landing (days) IMP | 467 | |
Middle passage (days) IMP | 83 | |
Captain and Crew | Captain's name | Downing, Dennis |
Crew at voyage outset | 20 | |
Crew at first landing of slaves | ||
Crew deaths during voyage | ||
Slave (numbers) | Number of slaves intended at first place of purchase | |
Slaves carried from first port of purchase | ||
Slaves carried from second port of purchase | ||
Slaves carried from third port of purchase | ||
Total slaves embarked | 240 | |
Total slaves embarked IMP | 240 | |
Number of slaves arriving at first place of landing | 120 | |
Number of slaves disembarked at first place of landing | 3 | |
Number of slaves disembarked at second place of landing | 117 | |
Number of slaves disembarked at third place of landing | ||
Total slaves disembarked IMP | 120 | |
Slave (characteristics) | Percentage men IMP | 15.6% |
Percentage women IMP | 15.2% | |
Percentage boys IMP | 54.0% | |
Percentage girls IMP | 15.2% | |
Percentage male IMP | 69.6% | |
Percentage children IMP | 69.2% | |
Sterling cash price in Jamaica IMP | ||
Slave deaths during middle passage IMP | 120 | |
Mortality rate IMP | 50.0% | |
Source | Sources | CO390/7: Colonial Office, National Archives (UK) Donnan,III,472: Donnan, Elizabeth, ed., Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to the Americas, vol. III (Washington, DC, 1930) Faber,133: Faber, Eli, Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade: Setting the Record Straight (New York, 1998). C104/13,pt2: Chancery, BNA (Kew) foydatabase: Foy, Charlie (Rutgers University), New York Transatlantic Slave Trading Voyages Database. C104/14,pt2: Chancery, BNA (Kew) |