Ship, nation, owners |
Voyage identification number |
46964 |
Voyage in 1999 CD-ROM |
Vessel name |
Vitória |
Flag |
Brazil |
Flag IMP |
Portugal / Brazil |
Place constructed |
Year constructed |
Place registered |
Year registered |
Rig |
Brig |
Tonnage |
Standardized tonnage IMP |
Guns mounted |
Vessel owners |
Voyage Outcome |
Particular outcome of voyage |
Left home port, no further record |
Outcome of voyage for slaves IMP |
No information on slaves |
Outcome of voyage if ship captured IMP |
Unknown |
Outcome of voyage for owner IMP |
Unknown outcome |
African resistance |
Voyage Itinerary |
Place where voyage began IMP |
Bahia, place unspecified |
First place of slave purchase |
Second place of slave purchase |
Third place of slave purchase |
Principal place of slave purchase IMP |
Ambriz |
Places of call before Atlantic crossing |
First place of slave landing |
Second place of slave landing |
Third place of slave landing |
Principal place of slave landing IMP |
Bahia, place unspecified |
Place where voyage ended |
Region where voyage began IMP |
Bahia |
First region of slave purchase |
Second region of slave purchase |
Third region of slave purchase |
Principal region of slave purchase IMP |
West Central Africa and St. Helena |
First region of slave landing |
Second region of slave landing |
Third region of slave landing |
Principal region of slave landing IMP |
Bahia |
Region where voyage ended |
Voyage Dates |
Year arrived with slaves IMP |
1827 |
Date voyage began |
1827-11-23 |
Date trade began in Africa |
Date vessel departed Africa |
Date vessel arrived with slaves |
Date vessel departed for homeport |
Date voyage completed |
Voyage length, homeport to slaves landing (days) IMP |
Middle passage (days) IMP |
Captain and Crew |
Captain's name |
Silva, Fernando de Lemos |
Crew at voyage outset |
23 |
Crew at first landing of slaves |
Crew deaths during voyage |
Slave (numbers) |
Number of slaves intended at first place of purchase |
Slaves carried from first port of purchase |
Slaves carried from second port of purchase |
Slaves carried from third port of purchase |
Total slaves embarked |
Total slaves embarked IMP |
490 |
Number of slaves arriving at first place of landing |
Number of slaves disembarked at first place of landing |
Number of slaves disembarked at second place of landing |
Number of slaves disembarked at third place of landing |
Total slaves disembarked IMP |
444 |
Slave (characteristics) |
Percentage men IMP |
Percentage women IMP |
Percentage boys IMP |
Percentage girls IMP |
Percentage male IMP |
Percentage children IMP |
Sterling cash price in Jamaica IMP |
Slave deaths during middle passage IMP |
Mortality rate IMP |
Source |
Sources |
AHMS, 27.7, p. 31: Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Salvador (Salvador da Bahia, Brazil)