Ship, nation, owners Voyage identification number 33804
Voyage in 1999 CD-ROM Yes
Vessel name Faucon François
Flag France
Flag IMP France
Place constructed
Year constructed
Place registered
Year registered
Rig Buque
Tonnage 300
Standardized tonnage IMP 300
Guns mounted 30
Vessel owners Compagnie de l'Asiente
Voyage Outcome Particular outcome of voyage Voyage completed as intended
Outcome of voyage for slaves IMP Slaves disembarked in Americas
Outcome of voyage if ship captured IMP Not captured
Outcome of voyage for owner IMP Delivered slaves for original owners
African resistance
Voyage Itinerary Place where voyage began IMP La Rochelle
First place of slave purchase Elmina
Second place of slave purchase Whydah, Ouidah
Third place of slave purchase
Principal place of slave purchase IMP Whydah, Ouidah
Places of call before Atlantic crossing São Tomé
First place of slave landing Havana
Second place of slave landing Veracruz
Third place of slave landing
Principal place of slave landing IMP Veracruz
Place where voyage ended Port Louis
Region where voyage began IMP France
First region of slave purchase Gold Coast
Second region of slave purchase Bight of Benin
Third region of slave purchase
Principal region of slave purchase IMP Bight of Benin
First region of slave landing Cuba
Second region of slave landing Spanish Circum-Caribbean
Third region of slave landing
Principal region of slave landing IMP Spanish Circum-Caribbean
Region where voyage ended France
Voyage Dates Year arrived with slaves IMP 1705
Date voyage began 1704-04-19
Date trade began in Africa 1704-11-??
Date vessel departed Africa 1704-12-15
Date vessel arrived with slaves 1705-??-??
Date vessel departed for homeport 1705-12-23
Date voyage completed 1706-01-31
Voyage length, homeport to slaves landing (days) IMP
Middle passage (days) IMP
Captain and Crew Captain's name Barnebau,Andrieu
Crew at voyage outset
Crew at first landing of slaves
Crew deaths during voyage
Slave (numbers) Number of slaves intended at first place of purchase
Slaves carried from first port of purchase
Slaves carried from second port of purchase
Slaves carried from third port of purchase
Total slaves embarked 557
Total slaves embarked IMP 557
Number of slaves arriving at first place of landing
Number of slaves disembarked at first place of landing 157
Number of slaves disembarked at second place of landing
Number of slaves disembarked at third place of landing
Total slaves disembarked IMP 435
Slave (characteristics) Percentage men IMP 51.9%
Percentage women IMP 32.1%
Percentage boys IMP 15.4%
Percentage girls IMP 0.6%
Percentage male IMP 67.3%
Percentage children IMP 16.0%
Sterling cash price in Jamaica IMP
Slave deaths during middle passage IMP
Mortality rate IMP
Source Sources Add.mss,19560:

British Library, Additional Manuscripts (London, UK)

Munford,207,210: Munford, Clarence J., Black Ordeal of Slavery and Slave Trading in the French West Indies, 1625-1715, 3 vols. (Lewiston, NY, 1991).
AGI, Indiferente 2782:

Archivo General de Indias (Sevilla)

ANSOM, F2A 7, 1706 report:

Archives Nationales d'Outre-Mer (Aix-en-Chapelles)

ANSOM, F2A 7, 20 Dec 1705:

Archives Nationales d'Outre-Mer (Aix-en-Chapelles)

ANSOM, F2A 7, 5 Aug 1704 Navigation des Il:

Archives Nationales d'Outre-Mer (Aix-en-Chapelles)