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Senegambia was the slave exporting region of the North Atlantic slave trade closest to Europe. The region was visited by several national carriers, namely, the French, Portuguese and British who were the major competitors for Senegambia’s slave markets. The image is of a map of Senegambia produced by René Claude Geoffroy de Villeneuve who resided in the region during the 1780s. It indicates the main ports situated along the coastline between Senegal and Gambia rivers. The map also locates the principal African polities and towns situated in the interior of Senegambia as well as the extent of the Wolof Empire over the region, in the right section of the map. The image is reproduced courtesy of Tracy W. McGregor Library of American History, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library. Permission required to reproduce.
René Claude Geoffroy de Villeneuve, L'Afrique, ou histoire, moeurs, usages et coutumes des africains: le Sénégal (Paris, 1814), vol. 3, before title page.