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Elmina was one of the principal ports of slave embarkation along the Gold Coast, present day Ghana. Control of the port was heavily disputed among European powers; initially because of the gold trade, but later because of the trade in slaves. The image is of an illustration of Elmina published in the 1740s but representing a earlier impression, since it was based on the works of Jean Barbot and Olfert Dapper, both published in the late seventeenth century. It shows the forts of St George of Elmina, left, and St Jago or Coenraadsburg, right, when Elmina was under Dutch influence. The image is reproduced courtesy of Tracy W. McGregor Library of American History, Special Collections, University of Virginia Library. Permission required to reproduce.
Thomas Astley (ed.), A New General Collection of Voyages and Travels (London, 1745-47), vol. 2, plate 61, facing p. 589.