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Images of Documents (170 images)
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Esperanza""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Fabiana""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""NS de Regla""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Francisco""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""NS do Monserrate""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""NS de Caridad""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Adelaide""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Ana Maria""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Nueva Virgen""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Comerciante""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Vecua""
Register of Africans from the Sloop ""Defensora da Pátria""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Aurora""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Conde de Vila Flor""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Dichosa Estrella""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Josefa""
Register of Africans from the Sumaca ""Esperança""
Register of Africans from the Sumaca ""NS da Conceição""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Diana""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Aviso""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Bela Eliza""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Charles""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Dois Amigos Brasileiros""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Relampago""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Isabel""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Paquete da Bahia""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Ana""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Clara""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Española""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Ninfa Habanera""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Segunda Gallega""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""União""
Register of Africans from the Sumaca ""Bom Jesus dos Navegantes""
Register of Africans from the Sumaca ""Bonfim""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""De Snelheid""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Intrépida""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Mágico""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Netuno""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Orestes""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""S João e Segunda Rosália""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Príncipe de Guiné""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Fingal""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Nuevo Campeador""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Fortunée""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Ibéria""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Crioula""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Dois Amigos""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""NS da Conceção de Maria""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Henriqueta""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Lynx""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Silveirinha""
Register of Africans from the Galera ""Invencível""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Vênus""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Diana""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Emília""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Fama""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Paulita""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Firme""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Clementina""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Henriette""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Juan""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Vingador""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Intrepido""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Zeferina""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Arsênia""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Campeadora""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Fanny""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Gertrudes""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Josefina""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Nova Viagem""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""NS da Conceição Minerva""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""NS da Penha de França""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""S Efigênia""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Midas""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Octavio""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Gallito""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Josefa""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Hirondelle""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Hosse""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Mensageira""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Panchita""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Emílio""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Santiago""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Aguila""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Negrito""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Indagadora""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Planeta""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Virtude""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Primo""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Joaquina""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Manuelita""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Segunda Socorro""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Carolina""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Clemente""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Vengador""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Tâmega""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Carlota""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Rosa""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Indagadora""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Arrogante Mayagüesana""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Pantica""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Chubasco""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Marte""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Semiramis""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Volador""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Argos""
Register of Africans from the Galeta ""Joven Reina""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Amália""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Diligência""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Julita""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Maria""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Tita""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Conde de los Andes""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Iberia""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Norma""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Numero Dos""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Teresa""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Félix""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Felicia""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Isabella Segunda""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Mindelo""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Seis Hermanos""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Zafiro""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Empresa""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Ninfa""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Preciosa""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Ligera""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Vandolero""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Vitória""
Register of Africans from the Ship ""Quato de Abril""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Gaceta""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Segunda Iberia""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Felicidade""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Matilde""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Amélia""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Deixa Falar""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Víbora de Cabo Verde""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Ligeira""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Primorosa""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Princesa Africana""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Providência""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Felicidade""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Paquete Feliz""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Empreendedor""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Gratidão""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Dois Irmãos""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Dulcinéa""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Prova""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Jacuí""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Liberal""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Caridad Cubana""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Causalidade""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Constituição""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Sete de Abril""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Sierra del Pilar""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Josefina""
Register of Africans from the Goleta ""Jesus Maria""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Olimpa""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Reglano""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Segunda Rosália""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Que Lhe Importa""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Fúria""
Register of Africans from the Brig ""Temerário""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Cyrus""
Register of Africans from the Brigantine ""Vetereano""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Aventura""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Diligência""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Enganador""
Register of Africans from the Schooner ""Grande Poder de Deus""
Logbook of Yacht ""Wanderer""