Year arrived with slaves IMP | Voyage ID | Vessel name | Place where vessel's voyage began IMP | Principal place where captives were purchased IMP | Principal place where captives were landed IMP | Linked voyages | Captives arrived at 1st port | Captain's name |
Here are the currently available details for this voyage. Expand/Collapse to see/hide all.
Total captives | Total voyages | Average | Standard deviation |
Here are the currently available details for this voyage. Expand/Collapse to see/hide all.
This timelapse offers an overall preview as well as demonstration of how the slave movement happened. The results of any user query will display in this timelapse feature. Also, please note the following:
Each circle on this timelapse represents a single voyage and is both sized, according to the number of captives on board, and colored, according to the three icons at the bottom left of the graph.
Each circle is color coded and the color code represents the nationality of the slave vessel, but users can instead choose Region of Embarkation, or Region of Disembarkation by clicking on the icons to the left of the graph.
To inspect details of an individual voyage, pause and click on a circle.